host a mmf event

The Steering Group is responsible for appointing a volunteer host for each MMF.
This host will take on all responsibility for the event including the compilation of the programme for the day, advertising it to the MMF membership and promoting it to the appropriate market places.
Support will be provided by the Steering Group where required. If you have any questions throughout your event planning then please contact the Steering Group member that you have been in contact with previously about hosting.
A waiting list of hosts is maintained by the MMF Steering Group.
Anyone wishing to discuss hosting an MMF should send an appropriate email to the Steering Group via the ‘Contact’ page.

general format
An MMF covers a single day although it can, optionally, be accompanied by some form of social event the evening before. Ideally the average attendee will be able to travel to and from the venue on the same day. Frequency is targeted at 6 monthly intervals.
A number of 15-20 minute presentations will normally form the bulk of the day’s proceedings. As noted above, it is the host’s responsibility to invite, select and schedule the speakers with the target being to provide a programme offering a balance between scientific research, instrumentation, survey projects, etc. It is preferred that overtly sales based presentations are avoided. The success of the MMF series is founded on the varied range of presentations and that, in turn, is a reflection of the volunteer speakers. The host will monitor the market place for new developments, projects etc to encourage speakers with novel tales to tell. Traditionally the final programme is announced at least 2 weeks before the event date.
The choice of venue lies with the host but will normally be selected to be easily accessible to the majority of the attendees. A typical venue will be capable of accommodating between 50 - 100 attendees, will provide ample parking spaces, will offer all normal audio/visual presentation facilities and be capable of providing refreshments, inc. lunch.
The MMF series attracts a wide range of attendees. The Steering Group maintains an MMF Mailing List of members and will promote the event to the MMF network on behalf of the host. Regular MMF information is also distributed by the MMF Steering Group via International Ocean Systems journal and the electronic newsletter OceanBuzz. MMF has its own LinkedIn and Twitter channels that is also used to contact current and prospective attendees and market the event. Hosts are also encouraged to utilise their own media contacts to achieve maximum coverage for the event.
The MMF series attracts a wide range of attendees including scientists, surveyors, engineers, etc from research organisations, monitoring authorities, survey companies, instrument manufacturers etc. The Steering Group is responsible for maintaining an MMF Mailing List of members. This list will be provided to each host and will represent the core announcement media. However, it is anticipated that each host will use their own marketing facilities to circulate news of the event and all new attendees should subsequently be added to the membership list by the host prior to its return to the Steering Group.
The MMF is a non-profit making series.
All responsibility for financial management and funding lies with the host organisation.
The target attendee price is £50 which normally includes the provision of light refreshments including tea, coffee and lunch for delegates.

action schedule
Each host will have his/her own particular admin, marketing, etc preferences
but the following constitutes a typical “hosts template”.
D-x = X days before event Date.
01) d-150
Identify the MMF date and venue. Announce details to the MMF Steering Group .
02) d-120
Issue initial announcement circular to email list and circulate general details to journals, electronic newsletters and other contacts.
03) d-120
Invite identified speakers. Call for volunteers will form part of the announcement.
04) d-120
Commence creation of attendee and speaker lists.
05) d-060
Issue second announcement including draft programme details.
06) d-015
Issue full programme, map, joining details to all attendees and publicise details via normal PR channels.